Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Here We Go!

Here I go again in an attempt to document my thoughts.  This time, I vow to not limit the discussion to anything.  I hope to talk about how I feel about the plant-based lifestyle even though I know people get tired of hearing it - sorry!  It's my passion and it's hard to modulate the things we are passionate about.  I have found something that benefits me greatly and I only share because I care.

I also may talk about my family - my daughter just got married and my other daughter just wrestled some money back from a hotel that overcharged her - in a way, both were financial gains and cause for great joy.  More than any thing, I love the way family makes me grow and learn.  It's hard not to brag - but, they teach us so much.  My son is half way around the world.  We are empty nesters - so much to say.  

I will probably also talk about my faith because it is who I am.  The good things about my faith are not really mine to brag about, so I often talk about the things that discourage me in my faith.  Maybe some of you can help me with this.

Writing is really no fun if people only read it.  Many times people have told me years later that they enjoyed my writing only after I had already given up.  It is much more fun to discuss and share ideas - even if we disagree.  Come on this journey with me!


  1. Please feel free to comment. Even if you disagree with something, it is great to get the feedback!

  2. My first thought/Q was, how old were you when you first decided this was worth pursuing whole-heartedly? (Plant based, faith) Of course I'm sure you have other passions, but I'm always in awe by the Olympic back stories of those who have "been passionate about swimming since age 4" (scratch my head) and REASSURED when passions are discovered much later than 4 ;) Go!

    1. It wasn't until a year ago (at age 50) that I realized I needed to make some changes. My dad and grandfather both had heart disease. My dad had diabetes and kidney problems. I was taking many medications and feeling horrible. I slowly began transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle and, in turn, transitioned off most of my medicine (statin, beta-bocker, dyeretic, gout medicine). I have lost about 35 pounds and feel great. I am so passionate because I waited so long. As you implied, the feelings are much more intense the longer you wait! I guess I realize what might have happened and I want to tell the world.

    2. So glad for you and Laura, Karl. I have such a deep respect for every one of your family members. I recently heard a guy in a podcast say that he avoids trying to connect the God he believes in metaphysically to the physical God we try to explain and rationalize. It really hit home for me, as I struggle with my beliefs daily. I am constantly torn. He also brought up a good point about taking comfort in what we once believed. It was interesting because I do that. I take comfort in the God I believed in when I was a teenager. It's almost like a spiritual nostalgia. Not sure if it's 100% right, but it's rooted in faith. Random, and maybe a bit off topic, I know. But, I enjoy writing this stuff out from time to time, and I feel pretty comfortable talking to you about these kinds of things.

      Cheers! Hope you are having fun with the rest of the Forehand + Snider clan.

    3. I try to find the balance what I believe and what I feel. I also almost always have a suspicion that I might be wrong. Whenever I try to base what I believe on what I see, I become discouraged. When I trust in the God I know, I eventually will feel him in my life. When I try to retrofit God to what I feel, I loose Him in the disorder of life. It's faith that eventually wins out over doubt. Hope you are doing well, Billy, and enjoying the life you are living.

    4. Wow, I need to learn to edit.
