Saturday, September 2, 2017

How to Enjoy a Sweet Potato

For the first 50 years of my life, I didn't know I liked sweet potatoes.  Probably because they were usually dripping in sugar and marshmallows and sometimes they called them "yams" which really doesn't sound appealing.  I don't know - just one of those things I didn't value until I became plant-based.  Now sweet potatoes are involved in many of my top recipes. quesadillas with sweet potatoes and black beans, bean burgers with sweet potatoes and sweet potato fries are just a few of my favorites; not to mention all the soups, curries and chili recipes that just taste so much better with a few chunks of sweet potatoes.  I've never tried sweet potato pie, but people that like it say you have to take your shoes off because it's so good!  I almost feel that way about my burgers.

The thing with bean burger that most people get wrong is all in the anticipation.  If you eat a bean burger or any other plant-based food thinking "I hope this is like a real (whatever)," you will be disappointed.  Not because it's bad - it's just not what you expected.  I try to prepare my food, not so much to be like a meat-based counterpart, but rather to be it's own unique, taste creation.  When you approach a sweet potato, black bean and brown rice burger with homemade barbecue sauce and think about those individual ingredients, you won't be disappointed.  All the flavors in that recipe will come alive in your mouth and you'll be glad to be alive.  You will make those kind of noises they make on some of those cooking shows.  Don't compare, just enjoy!

It's probably also a good lesson for life -- not to compare ourselves to others, but to design and live out our own story, full of all the flavor and spice we desire.  Write you own story and cook you own food - you'll be glad you did! 

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