Friday, April 7, 2017

The War on Diabetes

My father suffered from Type 2 diabetes much of his adult life.  Later, he developed heart disease and kidney problems.  I remember that he checked his blood sugar often and took his insulin regularly.  I'm not sure how well he ate, but I know that he never got better and he passed away with multiple health issues.  I am not a doctor and not qualified to give medical advice, but there is new research that demands some attention.  As with anything new, it is probably different that what we have done before (mainly because most of those treatments don't seem to improve much).   

One resource that I respect is the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).  Dr. Neal Barnard is a physician and clinical researcher stationed in Washington D. C.  If you know anyone that is dealing with diabetes (especially Type 2), I would encourage you to give this information your honest consideration.  His contention is that fat is what is causing insulin resistance, not the sugar.  More and more researchers are coming around to this conclusion. 

They have been able to show that a whole-food, plant based diet can do what pills and low-carb diets could never do - it is actually reversing the disease.  I am a part of a 20,000 member group on Facebook that regularly reports such results from actual people dealing with the disease.  The following is from the PCRM website.  

Below are some other sources that report the same results.  This is a personal struggle for me because I don't want anyone else to have to continue to struggle and eventually succumb to the side effects of the disease (especially if there is a cure).  Please check out these other resources.  The first resource is a TedTalk from Dr. Neal Barnard.

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