Wednesday, July 6, 2016

1 Year Plant-Based and a New Goal!

I  cannot remember the exact date, but it was around this time last year that we started making the transition to a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle.  In most ways, we are just as optimistic about it as we were back then.  The anniversary of our change just so happened to fall on the 4th of July (Independence Day).  
It was pretty nice of our new in-laws to make special bean burgers at the family get-together; but we still ate some things we shouldn't have.  No-bake cookies are my favorite and, although technically okay, I ate way too many!  Overall, maybe just a little too much sugar -- a little too much salt -- maybe just a little too much!
The next day, we didn't feel that good; but it just reminded us of how good we consistently feel on a whole-food, plant-based diet.  For whatever reason, we also got the wild idea to run, not walk, a 5K this September.  So, we have already begun training "couch to 5K."  Wish us luck!  I'm not a natural runner.

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