Saturday, July 2, 2016

Why I Love America

My love for anything always begins with the realization that the object is not perfect.  God's love for us is not based on our performance or our perfection.  Our nation still has problems.  We still have issues with race relations -- we still don't assimilate other cultures well -- we have issues with greed and selfishness -- we don't honor God as we should -- we have a serious health crisis based on our eating habits that we stubbornly hold on to.

We often talk about our freedoms, but miss one of the greatest freedoms we still have.  One of the greatest freedoms we have is the freedom to discuss ideas.  Over the course of human history, people have proposed outrageous ideas and discussed and debated those ideas until they actually became practice.   Nothing is inevitable as long as we continue to TALK about it.  Ideas spark conversation that leads to hypothesis that leads to change.

I pray we don't give up this freedom to discuss ideas and sacrifice it on the altar of condemnation and criticism.  We need to elect people that are willing to discuss ideas instead of preserving the past.  I pray we continue to have a hope for our future and realization that nothing is impossible (especially with God).  Keep the dialogue open!  Don't just criticize - DISCUSS and LISTEN! 

Also, remember that politicians are followers.  They will be the last to change - they always are.  They only say what their constituents tell them to say.  We need to realize that individuals can still lead by our ideas and our conversations - so, let's talk about ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post! Dusty and I couldn't agree more! -Erin
