Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Gas or Heart Disease?

I offered my 3-bean chili to someone the other day.  It's actually only 2 beans because I substitute brown rice for the chick peas.  This chili allows me to satisfy my desire for good spicy food without the oily sheen that accompanies most "real" chili.  I even remember telling someone, in years past, that real chili must contain meat (otherwise it's not chili).  

Anyway, when I offered to share my discovery with someone, they declined on the basis that beans give them gas.  I didn't have anything to say because it didn't make sense to me.  Is heart disease more desirable than flatulence?  Before I became an adult (something that is still up for debate), my friends and I actually enjoyed letting one "rip."  Come on, don't be afraid to smile - you know you did it too!

It didn't make me smile when my dad and grandpa both had to have heart surgeries.  I'll spare you the graphic details of that - but, suffer to say, it is worse than have a little extra gas.  There is only one diet that has ever been proven to prevent and even reverse heart disease.  That is a whole-food, plant based diet.  In my mind, it's my only option.  I'll probably have gas either way - but, I don't have to get heart disease.   

And, by the way, my new chili is so delicious I have to take my shoes off to eat it.  If you ask me right, I'll share the recipe!

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